Pure Twitch

Remove the NSFW streams from Twitch

Remove all the sexual content from Twitch.tv, such as bikini streams, twerking streams, and streamers that show too much cleavage.

How it works

Whenever your browser asks Twitch for a list of streams on the Browse page, the extension will filter out any streams that are listed in the blocklist from the response.

How to install

  1. Download the latest version of Pure Twitch from the releases page.
  2. Extract the zip file.
  3. Open the extensions page in your browser.
  4. Enable developer mode.
  5. Click "Load unpacked extension".
  6. Select the folder you extracted the zip file to.
  7. Add --silent-debugger-extension-api to the end of your Chrome shortcut (after the quotes).
  8. If you don't do this, you will get a warning every time you open Twitch, and if you close the warning, the extension will not work.
  9. Restart Chrome.
  10. Enjoy!

Did we miss a stream or accidentally block a stream?

Let us know by creating an issue on GitHub.

Check if a streamer is blocked

We made a tool to check if a streamer is blocked. Check it out!